AseBio Investor Day

Where Spanish Biotech ventures
meet global investors

Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain)
15 May, 2024

Zurriola Hiribidea, 1
20002 Donostia, Guipuzkoa (Spain)

AseBio Investor Day 2024

Presenting Companies
One-to-One Meetings
Countries Represented

AseBio Investor Day connects you with startups and industry leaders, providing a unique glimpse into the future of biotechnology in Spain. AseBio Investor Day is the event where Spanish innovative biotechnology projects are introduced to an audience of leading international investors and pharmaceutical & industrial companies. The event is organized by AseBio, the Spanish Bioindustry Association.

*The event working language is English.




The event will take place immediately after Bio€quity Europe, which this year will be held from May 12 to May 14 in the same venue.
If you are planning to extend your stay in San Sebastián and attend both events, BioEquity’s attendees have a 15% discount in the AseBio Investor Day and  AseBio Members have a 15% discount in Bio€quity Europe 2024.
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Partnering / One-to-one meetings

Meet new investors or identify your next potential investment using our partnering platform, which will allow you to:

  • Search & identify other participants.
  • Send /receive meeting requests.
  • Schedule mutually accepted one-to-one meetings.

Once you register, we will automatically activate your partnering account.

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Confirmed Speakers:

Spain: An Untapped Source of Innovation

Spain returned to ninth position on the global ranking by number of papers in biotechnology and produces science of excellence, with 22.8% of papers among the top 10% most cited in the world. 

4,362 companies carried out biotechnology activities in 2021, of which 898 are biotech firms. Spain is also the 13th largest biotech exporter 

In 2021, the biotechnology sector invested more than €1.04 billion in R&D, 62% from biotech companies. 

The year-on-year increase in R&D investment in 2021 was 6.7%, exceeding pre-pandemic figures.

In 2022, the investment secured by Spanish biotechnology stabilised at €142 million in 46 operations, which is down from the total raised in 2021. Nonetheless, international investors continue to show interest in the Spanish sector, taking part in many of the biggest operations.

Biotech companies have the highest percentage of researchers to total employees in the sector, surpassed only by R&D services companies, with researchers making up 14.62% of all employees. On the ranking of women working in R&D as a percentage of total R&D staff, biotech companies remained third, with 58%.

The biotech sector is protecting its innovations more and more internationally, mainly through PCT patents (36%) and the European Patent Office (35%).

Biotech firms forged 295 partnerships and 66% of them were with organisations from the public sector. Plus, 31% of these deals were with international organisations and 60% were for research and development.

AseBio members boosted their international presence 20% in 2022, with 43 member companies present in 56 countries on all continents. European countries are the main choice for biotechnology companies when establishing subsidiaries and the United States is the country with the most subsidiaries.

Biotech firms’ revenue contributed the equivalent of 1% of the GDP and 118,000 jobs.

AseBio: The Spanish Bioindustry Association

At AseBio, the Spanish Bioindustry Association, we bring together and represent the interests of companies, associations, foundations, universities, technology and research centers that work in the field of biotechnology in Spain. Our broad membership base, with over 300 members, and our extensive network of national and international collaborations make AseBio the key representative when it comes to designing policies and programs for encouraging innovation, entrepreneurship and company development in the biotechnology industry, an undisputed vehicle for economic and social growth in Spain.

Spain: An Untapped Source of Innovation

Spain returned to ninth position on the global ranking by number of papers in biotechnology and produces science of excellence, with 22.8% of papers among the top 10% most cited in the world. 

4,362 companies carried out biotechnology activities in 2021, of which 898 are biotech firms. Spain is also the 13th largest biotech exporter 

In 2021, the biotechnology sector invested more than €1.04 billion in R&D, 62% from biotech companies. 

The year-on-year increase in R&D investment in 2021 was 6.7%, exceeding pre-pandemic figures.

In 2022, the investment secured by Spanish biotechnology stabilised at €142 million in 46 operations, which is down from the total raised in 2021. Nonetheless, international investors continue to show interest in the Spanish sector, taking part in many of the biggest operations.

Biotech companies have the highest percentage of researchers to total employees in the sector, surpassed only by R&D services companies, with researchers making up 14.62% of all employees. On the ranking of women working in R&D as a percentage of total R&D staff, biotech companies remained third, with 58%.

The biotech sector is protecting its innovations more and more internationally, mainly through PCT patents (36%) and the European Patent Office (35%).

Biotech firms forged 295 partnerships and 66% of them were with organisations from the public sector. Plus, 31% of these deals were with international organisations and 60% were for research and development.

AseBio members boosted their international presence 20% in 2022, with 43 member companies present in 56 countries on all continents. European countries are the main choice for biotechnology companies when establishing subsidiaries and the United States is the country with the most subsidiaries.

Biotech firms’ revenue contributed the equivalent of 1% of the GDP and 118,000 jobs.

AseBio: The Spanish Bioindustry Association

At AseBio, the Spanish Bioindustry Association, we bring together and represent the interests of companies, associations, foundations, universities, technology and research centers that work in the field of biotechnology in Spain. Our broad membership base, with over 300 members, and our extensive network of national and international collaborations make AseBio the key representative when it comes to designing policies and programs for encouraging innovation, entrepreneurship and company development in the biotechnology industry, an undisputed vehicle for economic and social growth in Spain.

Presenting Companies
One-to-One Meetings
Countries Represented
2022 Figures

AseBio Investor Day 2022 Highlights

2022 Figures

AseBio Investor Day 2022 Highlights

Presenting Companies
One-to-One Meetings
Countries Represented


Become a sponsor

AseBio Investor Day 2024 will provide you with a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face with the Spanish biotech industry and many other European and international companies and institutions from around the world in one of the leading events in the industry.

Sponsoring the event will help to create interest in your company, products and services and also:

  • Raise your profile within the Spanish and European biotech industry and other international visitors.
  • Other benefits, according to each sponsorship option

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